
“SG Education Welfare Consultancy provides a range of educational services for your setting to help support your students get the best out of their school life.”

These can be tailored to your requirements and we can provide a bespoke package incorporating one or more services. This includes direct services for individual schools, cluster groups and multi academy trusts.


School Attendance

School Attendance

Professional help to ensure good attendance is achieved and maintained at your school

Good attendance rates make all the difference to students learning. Make sure your school or academy gets the best support available with our attendance consultant support service. Any pupil with an 80% attendance rate over five years misses one complete year of school. But, with professional help, schools can improve attendance figures and support each pupil’s potential to learn and succeed. Our attendance consultant support service is backed by educational specialists who work with you to achieve and maintain healthy school attendance figures. The package comprises casework, consultation, awareness sessions and other pioneering initiatives, all of which are focused and practical, and quality-assured by a senior education welfare consultant.

Key Benefits:

  • A dedicated attendance consultant provides professional support and guidance, including necessary legal processes, in a package of support to ensure good attendance at your school
  • The service includes provision of casework, consultation and awareness sessions, so staff in your school can identify, track and improve attendance to better-support pupils’ learning outcomes
  • Casework support is designed to ensure that no attendance issues drift but are appropriately addressed and handled in a timely fashion
  • Support to promote good attendance is provided at key times in the academic year – including new pupil intake, parent’s evenings and for school assembly
  • We keep schools informed and staff trained on new and emerging initiatives to help promote and maintain good attendance; guidance that is both focused and practical.

You’re School in Safe Hands:
Our attendance consultants who have all previously worked with the local authority as Education Welfare Officers will work with your school to ensuring good attendance while safeguarding issues remain paramount. The consultant will attend your school to monitor school attendance, hold attendance meetings with parent/carers for individual pupils with poor attendance, track and monitor attendance, and suggest ways to improve attendance. The consultant may also advise, make recommendations on the school attendance policy in line with government legislation.
Further sessions will take place to promote awareness during new pupil intake times, school assemblies, as drop-in surgeries, at parent’s evenings, on INSET days, and for new staff to ensure effective first day contact.
Our attendance consultant will also inform you of new and emerging support – including attendance punctuality and initiatives, register sweeps, early bird, and late gate initiatives.

Behaviour Support

Behaviour SupportThis includes not only challenging behaviour but any behaviour causing concern particularly if it is impacting upon the learning and achievement of an individual child or young person. The service is made up of behaviour specialist, qualified teachers who are experienced practitioners with extensive classroom experience and working with young people. All have additional qualifications in the sphere of behaviour management and emotional wellbeing.


What does the service do?

  • Offers advice, support and training to schools, their pupils, parent/carers and governors in the promotion of positive behavioural, emotional and social development (BESD) and the effective management of behaviour
  • Supports through training, advice and sharing of good practice the promotion of an ethos which encourages and facilitates positive BESD including the recognition of the link between good teaching and learning and an emotionally healthy school where pupils are able to achieve
  • Supports the identification of pupils with BESD adopting offering an overview of need through a comprehensive in depth assessment process ensuring a multi-agency approach response and building capacity in school
  • Where appropriate acts as a critical friend in terms of identifying and supporting the needs of children and young people and monitoring and evaluating school interventions
  • Facilitates, where appropriate, referral for further assessment/involvement of other professionals and access to support through a multi-agency approach
  • Supports identification of pupils at risk of exclusion and support for reintegration of those who have been excluded

Professional Counselling

Professional Counselling
Children and young people’s counselling is for any young person who’s having problems. Some of your students might be experiencing problems at school, issues with parents or generally not feeling like their usual self. Talking to a counsellor can help. Counselling lets your students talk about how they feel, separate from school and home life and can help them get back to enjoying school/home life again.

SG Education Welfare Consultancy can provide a variety of professionally qualified councillors who offer counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and have undertaken other specific training for counselling young people, which include Play Therapy, Art Therapy and Sand Tray Therapy, all of which can be used to help with many issues, including: abuse, anger, anxiety, body image, depression, family, grief, panic, phobias, self-worth and trauma.

Also, 1:1 counselling services for staff, parents & carers

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy

Communication is a vital skill that all young people need to master. Making friends, building self-confidence, having relationships and starting work – these all depend on being able to communicate well with other. Our Speech & Language Therapist offers assessment, differential diagnosis, intervention/ treatment and management for children and young people experiencing difficulties in speech, language, communication and swallowing disorders.

Support to reduce the impact of these difficulties on the child’s wellbeing and their ability to achieve their full academic and social potential.

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology
Educational psychologists work in partnership with families and other professionals, to help children and young people achieve their full potential. Educational psychologists support schools to improve all children’s experiences of learning.

The assessment of a child’s additional support needs is not a one-off activity carried out by an educational psychologist. Assessment is part of the day-to day routine of learning and teaching. In some cases, an educational psychologist will carry out further investigation of a child’s needs. Assessment is not separate from the strategies that are put in place to support a child.

Our Education Psychologist has had extensive professional experience both as a teacher and an educational psychologist. She is passionate about helping to promote children’s development and engagement in learning. She is a warm and caring person and children who work with her are usually very keen to work with her again.

The information which educational psychologists gather contributes to the planning, action and review process. If further investigation is needed, the educational psychologist will collect information about the child’s learning and development. This may be done by:

Strategic Support

  • talking to the student’s current or previous teachers
  • talking to the student’s parents
  • analysing the student’s school work and approach to learning
  • observing the student during structured and unstructured times
  • considering the student’s emotional and social development and behaviour
  • talking to the student’s themselves.

In some cases an assessment may be carried out without involving the child directly.

If you would like to find out more about how our Attendance consultant support service can help you achieve and maintain good attendance or if you would like more information about any of our other educational services please contact us.

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